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Application Version Size Description Status
CGI*StarDuo95 2.1 1186 KB CGI*StarDuo32 is an excellent software tool which lets you quickly and easily create CGIs to process HTML forms in your web pages. For more info, check the CGI*Star Home Page. Commercial Demo $65
Guest*Star95 2.1 699 KB Guest*Star95 is a Windows 32bit application that quickly and easily creates guestbooks for web pages. Includes an inbuilt CGI generator and JavaScript functions. For more info, check out the Guest*Star95 Home Page. Shareware $25.00
RWProtate 1.0 9 KB Ever wanted to rotate images (or advertisements!) and links every time a page was loaded, just like the big boys? RWProtate is the quick, easy way to do it! Easy to install, easy to use, and supports multiple datafiles. Requires server that supports CGI calls in SSI statements, and VB4 32-bit runtimes. For more info, check the RWProtate Home Page. Shareware $10.00
dCG (draft) Code Generator 0.07a 245 KB A general purpose source code generator. Fits any target programming language or ASCII text output generation. High-level procedural scripting language that controls almost every aspect of source code generation. Still in incremental development. For more info, check the dCG (draft) Code Generator Home Page. Freeware
PolyForm 1.0a 3040 KB PolyForm™ is a Web forms GUI software toolkit that allows you to easily create and manage interactive web pages with forms that collect, process and respond to each user's specific needs. For example, with PolyForm, you can create forms to allow your users to order products, request information, provide customer feedback, or answer surveys. For more info, check out the PolyForm Home Page. Commercial Demo
Web Connection for Visual FoxPro 1.2b 438 KB Connect Visual FoxPro to the World Wide Web with West Wind Web Connection and take full advantage of Visual FoxPro's powerful data access and programmability for creating dynamically generated Web content. For more info, check the Web Connection for Visual FoxPro Home Page. Shareware $149.00



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